COVID-19 and the NCRHA

We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy during this pandemic, and we offer our support to anyone suffering or affected by COVID-19. While Rochester and New York were hit hard by the virus, our team has been lucky enough to stay healthy. The pandemic has changed everyone’s lives, so we want to give an update about the state of roller hockey and our team.

The NCRHA canceled the 2020 national tournament, but there are contingency plans in place. The league and its participants will vote on a course of action for replacing the 2020 nationals and giving a fair shot at this year’s seniors to make one last run at a championship; We will have more updates on this as voting happens.

We are looking forward to next year’s season with hope, and we are excited to start rolling again soon. We urge everyone to stay home and continue staying safe, and we will see you on the court soon. #RollIT

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